Transverse Myelitis (“TM”) is a disorder that affects the spinal cord.  Specifically, inflammation of the spinal cord leads to dysfunction in the transmission of nerve signals below the injury that can lead to symptoms affecting the entire spinal cord. 

The onset can be acute, or more typically, evolve slowly over days to weeks and involve symptoms such as lower back pain, numbness, tingling, muscle weakness, temperature alterations, burning and progress to more severe symptoms such as paralysis along with bowel and bladder problems.  The development of transverse myelitis may be confused with neuromyelitis optic (“NMO”), another neuro-demyelinating central nervous system disorder involving the eyes and spinal cord.  

While the cause of TM is still unknown, certain conditions have been linked to the development of TM such as infections, multiple sclerosis, other autoimmune disorders and vaccinations.

Full recovery with little or no residual symptoms has occurred.  However, in the more severe cases, people may have permanent residual symptoms that necessitate continued treatment.

In Jane Doe 93 v. Secretary of Health and Human Services, the petitioner was awarded compensation for the development of transverse myelitis (“TM”) after receipt of flu vaccine.

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